Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Countdown Begins

First, let me say how thrilled I am about the previous post! I have read and re-read it many times over the last week and a half. I have also referred a number of people to the blog, rather than retelling the story, since it is so comprehensive! The only thing I would add is that I was holding my hand under the table because Anders had told me the setup he was planning on and every time he began the initial approach with Grandma Barb and I would start to get nervous with anticipation, someone would hijack the conversation (usually Grandma Barb or Lyndsey! Probably because neither was in on it) and take it miles away from the intended landing site! And when this happened for the third or fourth time, I was beginning to wonder if the whole thing was going to be a bust. And I just wanted to help out, but I couldn't think of anything short of "Can it everyone, he has an important question!" So, instead and squeezed my own hand under the table and tried to appear focused. In short, I am so excited for the WTF merging and to have a brother. Especially a wonderful guy like Anders. I always wanted a brother growing up, but I was pretty firmly planted as the baby of the family and I think I would have been a miserable middle child, so I think this has all worked out for the best.

In other news I am about 72 hours away from my dissertation defense. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The defense in my program is a two-hour block with my committee where I present for about 20 minutes and then get an onslaught of questions for the remainder of the time. Our defenses aren't typically open to the public and I am happy with this option, although there may be a few students in the room in addition to my committee. The unfortunate piece is that there is very little advice people can give because it is *my* study and *my* writing and who knows on which pieces my committee will focus. The document is 165 pages and every time I read it, I find edits that I want to make, so I imagine they feel the same way.

I think what has been most helpful is hearing that my committee at this point is rooting for me, rather than against me (like in the qualifying exams or even the proposal meeting). At this point it is in everyone's best interest for me to finish and their responses are probably with that intent. I expect revisions and that is normal, but now they want the manuscript to be excellent and turned into an article. It's just hard to believe that the last six years (or 20) of academic preparation have been culminating in this moment. Once I leave (assuming I don't spontaneously combust), there won't really be any major steps between me and graduation as a doctor. How could this be?

After the GLEE finale (everyone should be watching GLEE, ps) I plan on driving down Thursday morning and arriving in Santa Barbara just in time for Flavor of India Lunch Buffet. My favorite restaurant and endlessness of it. Thursday night a bunch of my friends left in SB are going to Jill's Place (a lesbian owned steak house, yum) to pre-celebrate. Friday I will probably go to Flavor of India again for lunch, practice my defense and then go in from 2pm-4pm! Afterward, I think I'll get a celebratory (conciliatory?) drink before heading to my friends ranch in Cuyama for a weekend of relaxation with horses and dogs out in nature.

Wish me luck!!

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