Sunday, October 18, 2009

The idea.

Life is sweet. More and more I realize how lucky and privileged I am. Particularly as I barrel towards turning thirty I have been feeling an urge to record and share bits of my life with others. For me my thirties seem incredibly exciting. I know it will be a time in my life where everything will change in such significant and wonderful ways.

Despite this strong desire to document these changes - I do know myself well and know I might not quite have the commitment to regularly post. A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a blog hosted by two siblings living on opposite coast and I thought it might be the ideal solution. Blogging with Drew would be the perfect way to share each of our adventures with friends, family, and those who love us. I cant promise updates everyday, or even every week - but my hope is to create a space for us both to share the awesome things in our lives and a few of the twists and turns around the way.

I will probably take a look back on the past year as well. So many amazing things have happened that should be shared. I'm looking forward to posting about Huxley and his brushes with death, Obama being elected, world travels, amazing DC experiences and falling madly in love.

So keep us accountable and check in when you can!



  1. You make your mother proud! Please post more photos. I'd especially like to see more of Sweet Huxley The Wonder Dog looking less possessed. Also if you could make your mother looking thinner it would be appreciated :[

  2. This blog is going to be great. I have been a neglectful aunt over the years, and now, at least, I have a chance to see and enjoy what is going on with you two, and make a comment now and then. Isn't technology wonderful? I love blogs!
    Aunt Laurie
