Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello 2010!

I keep waiting for a break in the action, but it just isn't coming. The past two months have been some of the busiest, happiest, most hectic I can remember. I am so sorry for not posting more, but I have hardly had a moment to catch my breath. However I don't want to keep you hanging any longer - so this is a back to basics - no funny commentary - no photo and video - kind of post. Hopefully all of the bells and whistles will come back in February!
  • We spent a WONDERFUL Christmas in Utah with the fam. At the last minute Anders was able to come out too. It was so fun seeing the grandmas, aunts, uncles and cousins!
  • We have had a house full of guests non-stop in 2010. We had friends in town for New Years, my parents in town last weekend, friends in town starting tomorrow and both sets of parents in town the weekend after that. Thank goodness for the guest room. It will be getting a break in February I think!
  • The house is undergoing some major changes. We inherited some beautiful furniture and are getting the fence installed next week. Those are the last major projects - but we have a pile of mini-projects that is growing longer each day.
  • I turned 30! It was such a fun fantastic weekend split between Williamsburg and DC. Family friends threw us an engagement party that was so much fun and very, very sweet. My parents came to town, we looked at wedding venues, set up the house, ate amazing meals and I just enjoyed being another year older. 30 has been pretty great so far. This weekend I have tons of friends coming in town to celebrate. It is going to be big time fun!
  • The wedding - boy oh boy this thing is time consuming. It is amazing how many options are out there. Still nothing decided yet, but we are taking baby steps in towards a date and venue. My father is an AWEsome wedding planner. The budget, spreadsheets, reports and estimates just keep coming. I have no idea how you would plan something like this without some serious help.
  • Anders has been working like crazy. He has spent more time on business trips then in the new house. When he is home 12am-1am is generally when he finally calls it quits. Its hard to pass up on such amazing experience, but it is really hard work. On top of all of this he is still just being fantastic - bidding fence contractors, helping with the wedding, taking care of Hux and just generally being the best fiancee ever. I really don't know how I got so lucky.

Things have felt very busy and stressful lately - but there is no denying that life is pretty wonderful for me right now. In moments recently I have felt very caught up in myself and all that is going on around me. I was sent this quote today and it really struck me.

"I expect to pass through the world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show to any creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it, for I shall not pass this way again."

Stephen Grellet, French/American religious leader (1779-1855)

It is such a good reminder to really appreciate this moment. To do all that you can to make it better for another person and to not wait for tomorrow. To keep your own life in perspective. Keeping Haiti on my mind, as well as smaller challenges I know others around me are facing.

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