Happy 2011 everyone! This week has whizzed by and I still have yet to sit down and make any resolutions. I love this poster from idea-obsura, so I am feeling inspired to make some changes this year! Generally my resolutions are an epic fail - but I still like taking a little time to think about how I can improve in small ways. Lets take a walk down memory lane and explore a few resolutions that didn't quite blossom as I had hoped:
New Years 2006 - Stop killing bugs.
I was living in South Carolina at the time, and you don't want to even get me started on palmetto bugs (aka really big roaches that are EVERYwhere). I was killing bugs at such a rate, I was starting to worry about karma. The new rule is no killing bugs outside. If you are in my space - its fair game. RIP any bugs I accidentally stepped on in the past 5 years. You're small and I didn't mean it!
New Years 2007- Stop taking the stairs, instead ride the escalator.
I take the stairs. It doesn't matter how long the escalator is, I walk. But one day in 2007, I just rode. It was so peaceful, so zen-like. All of my worries just faded away. This happened around New Years and I vowed I would never walk on the escalator again. Its seems very counter intuitive to make a resolution to stop exercising, but I did it. My fast paced, city commuting was stressing me out. So I wanted to take a minute to just relax, and collect my thoughts, and generally slow down. It lasted exactly two days. My back-side is thanking me.
New Years 2008 - Do a push up
I have never had Michelle Obama arms. I don't know the glory of a chin-up. And in 2008 I wasn't sure I could do a single push-up. Well, that's not exactly true, I could do a push-up, but I wanted to be able to do a full set of 30 really beautiful, perfect, fitness model push-ups. I never quite got there, but I stuck with it for quite a long time. I can do a good looking push up now (just a handful - I'm not superwoman!) and a full set of good looking lady push-ups. And really, who needs to do push-ups anyway?
New Years 2009 - Start eating red meat and pork
This also seems sort of anti-New Years, since my resolution may have directly contributing to clogging my arteries. Luckily for me, I couldn't really keep it up. Many of my friends know about my traumatic 7th grade field trip to the pork farm. Long story short, I became a faux-vegetarian. I could never really commit because I like wearing leather and have a soft spot for turkey sandwiches. After 17 years (yikes, I'm old!) of what ultimately was picky eating I said "Enough is enough! Eat that soup with bacon bits, have a hamburger already, pork chops are great!!!" Well I have done a few of those things over the past few years - but never with much gusto. While I am not nearly as picky anymore, suspicious meat and Lyndsey just don't get along. My husband cries at night because of it.
I will keep you posted about New Years 2011! I think it will involve reading more books and not jaywalking in the city so much! Anything I can do to help my chances of being smooshed by a bus!
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